I mean, don't get me wrong. I love every minute of what I'm doing and learning. But at the same time, it is hard! With all of the projects I am trying to keep on top of and still trying to make time to make sure my relief society is on track and then making treats and decorating and making plans and trying to work....YIKES.
That is why I am SOOOOO excited to be getting out of Rexburg and into the warm, sunny arms of UTAH!.....That was sarcasm. Sorta. I am excited to go to Utah with the biggest sweetheart I know, even if I still will be wearing sweatshirts the whole time. It's worth it to me.
The other best part is that Alex (who is going with our friend J) is only going to be like 15 minutes away from me at the most! I've grown to be veeery dependent on that sweet girl and I need her to stay at a good radius at all times.
See what I mean? But we'll see. Right now, I'm trying to get a presentation ready for tomorrow. And finish my homework for the rest of the week. Sadly, I will probably take my laptop to make sure I don't forget to finish anything. And I hope I get to go to Temple Square again!! I have never got to go to see it lit up with lights, so here's hoping! Anyway, I should stop stalling. Blast. Is it tomorrow afternoon yet? Updates to come!
Also, I saw this quote the other day and it has really made a difference in my prayers. Especially as it gets closer to Thanksgiving. I find myself being so much more grateful than I have been lately because I never want to take those things for granted. I recommend getting in that same mindset as you say your prayers everyday. I am so happy I found this. It totally changed everything! For you guys in Rexburg, travel safe tomorrow! Time for the homestretch!
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