This Is How We Do It

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I got this song dedicated to me tonight at karaoke. By a guy with an AMAZING voice, I won't lie.

Heidi and I both were like "We would listen to him sing this ANY day!!" and she liked his better than Michael Buble's!! Haha It was super cute. I kept cheering for him because I LOVE this song, and so he kept looking straight at me when he sang, and finally he put his hand on his heart and said "This is for you. I dedicate this to you." And it made me blush. Yeah yeah, I'm a girl. And he was groovin and cheering us on when Alex and I went up and sang "This Is How We Do It" He was adorable. If I see him next week...I may have to return the favor. Haha

Also, I am 90% sure he wanted to ask for my number but was too shy. He came and sat right in front of me, then was whispering to his friend and I heard his friend go "Just do it man!" and the guy mumbled "Ok ok! I'm working on it!" but we got up and were leaving. I was waiting for Alex to pull the car around with Michael, Andrea, and Heidi right next to me and they kept whispering. Finally his friend sees we're getting ready to leave and says "You guys were really good tonight!!" and you know, all of us were flattered and we literally talked for like 20 seconds until Alex came up. So. Who knows. I'll keep you posted. He was a cutie. I love karaoke, my neighbors, and my life. Goodness.


Maren Kam said...

Ashley, your blog is adorable! And I think your life sounds like a blast right now!!!! Spring Semester is truly the best semester at BYU-I! Enjoy it!

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