Bread, Brothers, and Banana Cream Pie Shakes

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I cannot believe I am not dying with 18 credits right now!!! Granted, I could probably stop waiting until the last minute to finish up homework, but I am in looove with life right now. I always have the best nights lately. Example One: Tonight.

Andrea had a major craving for sweets so since everything but Sammy's was closed, we headed down there to get 2-for-1 Pie Shakes. Now, if you don't know what a pie shake is, it's heavenly. They make ice cream shakes, but add an entire slice of pie right on in. Yep. Just plop it in and blend it up-SO good. No wonder they're so famous!! Anyway, so Valerie (after we literally dragged her out of her studious mindset to come with us) Andrea and I all went down to Sammy's and met Rhett there. It was sooo yummy and fun to just hang out...even if it was like 10:30 at night. Then we took Rhett home and decided to scare Alex to death by distracting her (my role) and they took the screen off and popped in! Scared the pants off her. Haha And then, when we came in, we noticed Emma was gone and so was the FREAKIN delicious cake she made for two boys' birthdays in our ward. Onward over to apartment 22 to track her down. On the way, we stopped in front of our FHE brothers' window and pounded on them. Spencer and Ben looked up and were so taken aback. Haha So they came to find us in 22. After getting kicked out of Chase's apartment (his roommate woke up and was NOT happy with us all being there "so late," even though we teeeechnically still had like 5 minutes until we were teeechnically supposed to leave) It's okay though because Ben goes "Party next door at our place..?" and we did! So Andrea and I stayed and talked to them for a little while which was soooo cute and fun because they really do like us! Haha It's so cute. Spencer was like "Why didn't you guys come over earlieeer!?" and they gave us hugs before we left. They even told us to come over more. I felt so loved. So cute.

ps-Side story: Ben and Bronson are the cutest of best friends. They are always hanging out with each other, doing things together, copying each other-it's adorable. It's like "they're dating each other" is what we lovingly say around 104. And I asked him "So where is your other half tonight?" and he said "Well, he's resting. He's had a pretty hard day. It was rough." and of course I FREAKED out because I thought that was cutest response and he said "No!! I was joking! I was playing along!" He's so funny.

So then when we were leaving, we noticed Emma was still visiting in 15, so Andrea and I (on piggyback) went down and almost fell into their apartment: SO loud. But after we were told to shush, we were talking to them for a few minutes and then decided to head on home. Which is where I am now. Maybe these things sound so boring to other people, but I am just SO happy to be up here right now. It's amazing to always have the feeling that I am right where I need to be.

Oh!! Real quick, also sooo adorable! So we finally met Bag Pipe guy. He always practices the bag pipes out by Bunkhouse and we've cheered him on from our living room many a time. So finally on Sunday, we decided it was the time to go talk to him and we did! His name is Andy, Bunkhouse 10, SUPER nice. Anyway, that's a post all it's own about Sunday. But today, he cmae over (SO cute he remembered where we lived!) and knocked and said "Is Ashley or Heidi here?" and brought us FRESH baked bread!! And it was STILL warm even super later that day!! It literally made my afternoon. SO adorable. Now I just have to find a way to repay him. Gosh. I love my life. I am so so so beyond blessed.


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