Scroll Digital's First Show!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Yesterday in Scroll Digital, we got critiqued by Brother Thompson and Brother Howard, both of whose opinions mean a LOT to us in the Comm Department because they have sooo much experience! I loooved their comments. Unfortunately, they ran out of time before they could get to my story. But. Here it is for you to watch and critique. Feel free to leave comments. This was only the FIRST show, so be gentle. Like I said, we've been called to repentence and we're ready to take it on! And please please please watch everyone's stories as well riiight here.
Scroll Digital,
Brotherly Fun
Friday, October 7, 2011
And this is why I absolutely, positively, no doubt, hands down, 100% will hang out with my brothers whenever there's a chance. Never a dull moment with these fun people.
[The memory: we took about 40 pictures like this on Andrea's computer she left there and she got us back by putting this one on Facebook. But after taking all of these pictures, we crammed into Alex's car, drove and got frozen yogurt, came back to their apartment and watched The Greatest Movie Ever Sold with their whole apartment, and our whole apartment. And tried to get Angie to talk to her new love next door. And tried on this fun beanie. Man. Seriously just love these boys. Can we really stay family forever? K thanks. None of you can ever graduate or get married. Just so we're clear.]

And this, by the way, provided many a fun pictures. This is the only one Alex saved unfortunately for you all.
Snow Way! Already?!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Random thoughts of the day go as follows...
Have you ever looked at a photograph of yourself or a friend and realized that that is a completely different person? Like...the person that you are looking at has completely different views, experiences, thoughts, mindset, goals, everything from when the present version? It is so weird how much time actually does change people, weird. But it's cool to look back at those pictures and see the difference and what has really changed. It's just strange is all.
It started snowing today. I hate when that happens. The first few days are always the worst because EVERYTHING is sloshy and you literally cannot do anything about it. I slid down an entire hill of ice-covered mud today. True story. This was me today!
I canNOT wait to graduate and start my career. Okay wait, I can wait to graduate. I'm going to be so sad when I have to leave this place and all my friends and the life I've made for myself here. But Scroll Digital has been doing their shows from the BYUI Center, using the same rooms they use for devotional, and it is legit. I actually get giddy every time I get to work in there. I LOVE it. And even more, I love that I will be getting to do that once I peace this place out. It is SO cool. I could stay there all day if I had to. I feel like I am part of a family. Everyone knows SO much (I'm always blown away) does such great work and is so professional, but it is ALWAYS so much fun. And I love getting to edit my own interviews and create awesome packages!! I get so proud of myself! Conceited? Maybe. Happy? Most definitely. Gosh. I seriously get so excited thinking about it. I have to calm down. Thank you Heavenly Father for helping me finally figure out what I love and want to do. The long road has made it worth it.
I have to stop watching depressing movies. I've seen like 3 lately about sad, broken marriages and it freaks me out every time. Plus, I over-analyze so now I'm just in a whole mess of trouble. As if I wasn't screwed up about the whole thing enough. I won't lie, I am SO scared about all the challenges (money especially). So. I think it's time for a sad movie fast. Get your priorities straight woman. Time to think "eternal perspective" versus the "everybody else perspective."
Also, is it just me or does everyone get super annoyed easily sometimes? I don't know why it happens to me, but it does. Whatever. As long as I keep my thoughts to myself, it doesn't make me a terrible person right?
And last but not least, HOW I have missed Kiwi Loco. Peach and White Chocolate Mousse (nonfat) yogurt was the perfect topping to a great day. So thanks to the brothers for being so fun all the time and always making our days. I went over to make Tanner some dinner (because I LOVE to cook) and Al & Andrea came with me. I have to say, after all the mind bending, symbolic, I-have-you-figured-out games, Kiwi Loco, and 500 Days of Summer, I speak for our whole apartment when I say we just love them to death. The family that plays together stays together right?
Have you ever looked at a photograph of yourself or a friend and realized that that is a completely different person? Like...the person that you are looking at has completely different views, experiences, thoughts, mindset, goals, everything from when the present version? It is so weird how much time actually does change people, weird. But it's cool to look back at those pictures and see the difference and what has really changed. It's just strange is all.
It started snowing today. I hate when that happens. The first few days are always the worst because EVERYTHING is sloshy and you literally cannot do anything about it. I slid down an entire hill of ice-covered mud today. True story. This was me today!
I canNOT wait to graduate and start my career. Okay wait, I can wait to graduate. I'm going to be so sad when I have to leave this place and all my friends and the life I've made for myself here. But Scroll Digital has been doing their shows from the BYUI Center, using the same rooms they use for devotional, and it is legit. I actually get giddy every time I get to work in there. I LOVE it. And even more, I love that I will be getting to do that once I peace this place out. It is SO cool. I could stay there all day if I had to. I feel like I am part of a family. Everyone knows SO much (I'm always blown away) does such great work and is so professional, but it is ALWAYS so much fun. And I love getting to edit my own interviews and create awesome packages!! I get so proud of myself! Conceited? Maybe. Happy? Most definitely. Gosh. I seriously get so excited thinking about it. I have to calm down. Thank you Heavenly Father for helping me finally figure out what I love and want to do. The long road has made it worth it.
I have to stop watching depressing movies. I've seen like 3 lately about sad, broken marriages and it freaks me out every time. Plus, I over-analyze so now I'm just in a whole mess of trouble. As if I wasn't screwed up about the whole thing enough. I won't lie, I am SO scared about all the challenges (money especially). So. I think it's time for a sad movie fast. Get your priorities straight woman. Time to think "eternal perspective" versus the "everybody else perspective."
Also, is it just me or does everyone get super annoyed easily sometimes? I don't know why it happens to me, but it does. Whatever. As long as I keep my thoughts to myself, it doesn't make me a terrible person right?
And last but not least, HOW I have missed Kiwi Loco. Peach and White Chocolate Mousse (nonfat) yogurt was the perfect topping to a great day. So thanks to the brothers for being so fun all the time and always making our days. I went over to make Tanner some dinner (because I LOVE to cook) and Al & Andrea came with me. I have to say, after all the mind bending, symbolic, I-have-you-figured-out games, Kiwi Loco, and 500 Days of Summer, I speak for our whole apartment when I say we just love them to death. The family that plays together stays together right?
Scalawag and Bootstrap
In case you missed it, I love my life.
Today was a GREAT day, despite all of the freezing rain. It literally HAILED on Alex and I as we were walking home from class. But what did we do? Ate it off each other. Yeah, there's a reason we've stuck together all these years. I love her.
But my top three favorite parts go as follows:
#3: I love Scroll Digital. There are no greater, nicer, more fun people to work with. I just adore all of them!! And EVERYONE is so talented!! It's so much fun to just sit, editing away, listening and talking to everyone. I love every part of it and I could do it all day, everyday. Which hopefully is exactly what will happen. It's so rewarding to gain a knowledge there and I canNOT wait until I graduate and get to do it for real! Gosh. Thank you second (er third if you count my AMAZING fhe family) family. You guys are the greatest friends/fellow students a gal could ask for.
#2: RETURN OF THE KARAOKE!!! Youtube karaoke is one of my most favorite memories of last semester. Getting up there and rocking out with my girls? It's so much fun! There's such a rush! Tonight Alex and I sang our classic hit, and one that everyone in the crowd always gets really into, This Is How We Do It.
#1: Scalawag and Bootstrap. Enough said I think.

And actually, you could just call this part "LOVING our fhe brothers." They are seriously so awesome. We went over there the first time, and they had all kinds of people at their apartment. So Alex and I drove all around, talking, for a while and decided to try again: still people. We were not about to walk into a room dressed as pirates for a bunch of strangers. Terrible first impression. So fiiiinally, we go over there and everyone has left. So we stood in front of the window for like...seriously 10 minutes, staring into the room with weird faces, waving our arms, stomping our feet.....nothing. FINALLY, after Alex and I nearly blew it cracking up, Jordan leans over (to talk to someone on the couch in front of us) and sees us and he gets this super weirded out, scared look on his face and points to us. So everyone turns around and say things like "What the?!" and "Are you guys dressed as pirates?!" so we tried to run but eventually found ourselves back in their apartment.
For an hour and a half.
It was great to see them all try on the wig (and thoroughly enjoy it I might add) and watch Tanner finally wake up from waking up and realizing "his dreams were coming true" as everyone told us.
Haha Such a fun night.
I love my life.
Today was a GREAT day, despite all of the freezing rain. It literally HAILED on Alex and I as we were walking home from class. But what did we do? Ate it off each other. Yeah, there's a reason we've stuck together all these years. I love her.
But my top three favorite parts go as follows:
#3: I love Scroll Digital. There are no greater, nicer, more fun people to work with. I just adore all of them!! And EVERYONE is so talented!! It's so much fun to just sit, editing away, listening and talking to everyone. I love every part of it and I could do it all day, everyday. Which hopefully is exactly what will happen. It's so rewarding to gain a knowledge there and I canNOT wait until I graduate and get to do it for real! Gosh. Thank you second (er third if you count my AMAZING fhe family) family. You guys are the greatest friends/fellow students a gal could ask for.
#2: RETURN OF THE KARAOKE!!! Youtube karaoke is one of my most favorite memories of last semester. Getting up there and rocking out with my girls? It's so much fun! There's such a rush! Tonight Alex and I sang our classic hit, and one that everyone in the crowd always gets really into, This Is How We Do It.
#1: Scalawag and Bootstrap. Enough said I think.

And actually, you could just call this part "LOVING our fhe brothers." They are seriously so awesome. We went over there the first time, and they had all kinds of people at their apartment. So Alex and I drove all around, talking, for a while and decided to try again: still people. We were not about to walk into a room dressed as pirates for a bunch of strangers. Terrible first impression. So fiiiinally, we go over there and everyone has left. So we stood in front of the window for like...seriously 10 minutes, staring into the room with weird faces, waving our arms, stomping our feet.....nothing. FINALLY, after Alex and I nearly blew it cracking up, Jordan leans over (to talk to someone on the couch in front of us) and sees us and he gets this super weirded out, scared look on his face and points to us. So everyone turns around and say things like "What the?!" and "Are you guys dressed as pirates?!" so we tried to run but eventually found ourselves back in their apartment.

I love my life.
Conference With the Family
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Conference weekend is always so great. How can I not be excited to hear what the prophet and all of his counselors have to say for me, right now at this time?! And usually it's a lot of fun to watch it with my family in April, but I won't lie... I really love being here and watching it with my friends while I'm here in October.
This year, we got together with our awesome FHE brothers and had breakfast and all watched it together. It was SO much fun! Aaron made us (literally...I'm not joking here) THE BEST cinnamon rolls I have ever had in my life. From scratch. And then we had hash brown and egg and cheesy egg roll things that I made. Yes, my husband and I are quite talented. Haha
This year, we got together with our awesome FHE brothers and had breakfast and all watched it together. It was SO much fun! Aaron made us (literally...I'm not joking here) THE BEST cinnamon rolls I have ever had in my life. From scratch. And then we had hash brown and egg and cheesy egg roll things that I made. Yes, my husband and I are quite talented. Haha
Once our little children were all stuffed, we all just sat and enjoyed conference together...and just enjoyed each other's company! We played a game called What If or something, where you write a phrase starting with "What If" and then pass it to the next person who writes a conclusion. Then when you go around, person a reads their what if and person b answers with what is on the back of their's. Then person b reads their "what if" question and person c reads their statement. You get the point. Anyway, it got pretty...dang...hilarious. We're a pretty fun bunch. And we played a couple other games, including the Ha game. But pretty much, us girls stayed over there foreeeeeeeveeeeer just to hang out with our awesome brothers. We just hung out and talked (and cleaned up) and ate. That's right. I think we had almost every meal at their house today. It was just such a fun time! I don't know how the next round is gonna go tomorrow (since we have a relief society one planned) but I had so much fun today. It all had to end when the upstanding young gentlemen went to Priesthood session. And Alex and I went and sold ice cream at the Teriyaki Express all night. But they came to say hi to us, so really, it was an all day event. If you weren't there, you missed out my friend. Really missed out.
Anyway, I'm so so glad we did that. I just love my extra family to PIECES. Actually, to smidgens. Yeah that's right.
Thank you so much boys for letting us come over and invade your apartment for hours. WE sure love you. :)
Ps. So funny because I'm 99% sure at one point or another, we were all asleep. Tanner and John the most, those little precious snugglebugs. Not with each other! Oh man, that could get me in trouble. But. Snugglebugs none the less.
General Conference
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