Rexburg Showers

Saturday, December 8, 2012

My sweet little friends decided to throw me a bridal shower while we were here in Rexburg! My hilarious friend Katie had it at her apartment and her & Ashlynn made dinner and dessert! It was really awesome to just get to relax and I had SO much fun just hanging out with girls!! We just talked and talked. I also got some really awesome gifts! It doesn't get much better than that! SUCH a great night, best I have had in a while and I love my girls so much! Thank you guys for an awesome bridal shower!

Abby and Carina came! I was sucking the cookies out of my teeth. Please excuse me.
We had Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner and then decorated bridal-ly sugar cookies!
Alexsa, Katie, and Ashylnn. So cute. Thank you Andrea Olson who took the picture.
I can't wait until we are all reunited one day after Alexsa is back from her mission, Katie will have had her little baby, and I will be a married woman! It's going to be awesome!


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