Sister Movie Night: The Help

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

So last night, I saw the movie The Help with my sister and her friends. Which, first of all, is cool in itself because I am now old enough to get to hang out with married couples. But it was also cool because I finally got to spend some time with my big sister and see a REALLY great movie. Thanks for the date sissy! I loved it! (She even sent me the cutest text after about how she loved hanging out with me. So blessed to have her in my life)

Anyway, ff you haven't seen it, go. It is so inspiring, and actually REALLY funny!! I will admit. I cried a couple times. It's amazing to me how cruel we as humans can be. History is not always pretty and proud, let me tell you. But I love learning about those people that stood strong and were so brave. The people who put up with so much heartache and sorrow. The people who actually took a stand against the majority and stood for what they believed in, even when it was hard (You go Celia! I hope I can be just as freakin cute and brave as you!) makes me want to do be a better person. In fact, the movie made me SO proud that I was going into journalism. Because it was so awesome that one person, who came up with one brave idea, could change the entire world. It hit hard for me and I REALLY hope I can do something that sensational and amazing. Gosh. So inspiring that this is a true story.

Thank you Miss Aibileen. You are brilliant. You are brave. And you are...just..amazing.

Domingo es Fabuloso!

Monday, August 29, 2011

My computer says it's's not. It's which case, I guess it technically IS Monday, but whatever. I'm still going to tell ABOUT Sunday like it's still Sunday.

First of all, I woke up feeling quite sluggish this morning. I think it's running in our family lately. My dad is on this new medicine that makes him nauseous all the time. But I think he's pulling through. Like a trooper. He always does. Way to be pops. We're proud of you!

My mom...well....that's a whole different story. Haha And Rachel, the hypochondriac, lives here. So. You know. Off to a great start.

Then there's me. For some reason lately, I feel sick all the time too! One minute, I'm nauseous. The next, I feel like I am burning to death. The next, I just feel sore and deflated. Uuugh. Oh no. I could have a disease. It's possible. As my roommates and family could tell you, I really am no threat to germs. (Weeell there are exceptions. Public bathrooms will now and forever be my mortal enemy) I know everyone just adores summer time, but I think I'm ready for nice cool fall weather. Aww. Cardigans. Shades of red, yellow, and brown. The frost. Aww! Cute, right!? The heat wave here right now is just killing me! Well actually, I DO have indian colored skin now!! FINALLY!!!! I know I know, you can squeal with me. I...I gotta say...this feels pretty good right now. Being tan is AWESOME. Skin cancer, schmin cancer...?

Anyway, moving right along. GUESS what. Alex, Rachel, and I toootally went to the Spanish branch today! It was really cool! Al and I are pretty sure they are all fluent in both English and Spanish because one little cutie patootie gave his talk in English (we already silently thanked Heavenly Father for that one), but he was suuuper nervous. He paused like every third word. So precious. But it was super cool to me because there was actually a lot I was able to pick up! The ol gal's still got it! I mean, obviously estoy no bueno at speaking it very well anymore, but understanding seems to come much more easily! I can understand MUCH better when people But in English, no one talks that slow so I don't expect special treatment. But yeah! It tickled my spirit. It was so cool because even if you get lost in the whirlwind of foreign words, the spirit is the same everywhere and will affect you the same. I want to travel (I know, stating the obvious) and if I get the chance, I want to go to sacrament meetings in different countries! How freakin sweet would that be?! The gospel is so awesome. I can't say it anymore simpler than that.

Also, I know this is so random, but I have been watching the Bachelor Pad (I know. It's stupid, I'm a reality junkie, this stuff is just for tv, I have no life, it's embarrassing...blah blah blah) and is ANYONE else sick of watching the Vienna and Kasey show?! Come on you lame brain puppets!! Get with the program! And her laugh is....just...out of control. Yikes. And hooooly awkward. The awkwardness of Jake & Vienna on the same show makes me literally cringe and cover my eyes. I can't stand Vienna. I may stop watching if she stays on. She was a monster on the Bachelor, and she is still Satan's spawn now. Just kill me. Sorry. I had to get that out.

Sunday's been good. Church. Relaxing. Now back to a normal schedule tomorrow...Insanity, sun, clean, play. Can't wait!

One of ABBA's Finest Hour

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I found this little jewel today...Well...Actually I kind of went looking for it after Alex told me she watched it. It made me want to too. I love it. This was the beginning of the Foursome of Trouble (as Brady called us) and it makes me laugh to watch this again. This night, Alex and I were sure we could take on scrawny Ben together and then it just turned into a serious WWF match. I couldn't upload the others 1) because some were only funny to watch had you been there and 2) Blogger only allows 100 MBs for movies and the best one is like 200+. Haha I know. I love my camera a little too much. Gosh. Spring was the best semester ever. I have sooo many fun memories (which I still plan on blogging about and since I am done with work, maybe I'll do one or a couple everyday? Sounds like a fun project to me!) and I am counting down the days to get back to Rexburg. I know, I know. I'm sure people don't normally say that. But it's true. I mean, look how fun it is! I love it up there! Ya hear me Rexburg?! I love ya no matter what they say about you.

Also. A few weeks ago, I did a photo shoot with my sister's friend, Patty. It was for her portfolio and it was SO much fun!! I got to dress up and everything. Anyway, I got a preview of what it looks like from Erin. Sooo...hopefully Patty doesn't mind if I put it on my blog?

"You're Gonna Be Here for the Next 4 Years..."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I meant to write this blog like...two days ago. But my cousin and aunt are is a party these days and I didn't have time. Haha

But I went to my [old] high school on Tuesday to work the make up picture day for Studio 94. [I take all the pictures of the high school kids for their yearbook and ID card photo. Anyway] One word: WEIRD.

Everything is sooo different than the way I remembered it! I mean, not JUST remember, but it actually IS different! It was so weird to see all my normal "spots" either not there or look so different. Here. Let me give you a little tour...

(You can click on the pictures to make them bigger to read it. I didn't realize they'd be so small on here!)

That was the most depressing one. The lunch tables. Gone. Sooo many memories from high school took place at those gross tables: notes being handed out at break that were written in the previous class instead of taking actual notes, backpacks tied to them so when you tried to grab it to go to class (as the security guards came screaming while walking towards you) your arm nearly ripped off, birthdays (that was something all on it's own), weekend plans were made, catching up of course, and the obvious stalking you'd try to do without being obvious. Those were the days. Now they're replaced with these stupid outdoor-mall-eating-area ugly type tables. How could they?!?! Why don't they just rip my heart out!?

Anyway, it was very nostalgic to see my old high school. It's weird how much of my life I feel like I lived there and I really grew up there. Yet now, I've been out of Murrieta Valley for just as long as I went to school there! So weird. I'm such an old timer. Weird! I hope you kiddies enjoy it while you can! A lot of people say they hated high school but I honestly had the best time. Some of my favorite memories lie right there in that ugly school. Haha Love it.