So last night, I saw the movie The Help with my sister and her friends. Which, first of all, is cool in itself because I am now old enough to get to hang out with married couples. But it was also cool because I finally got to spend some time with my big sister and see a REALLY great movie. Thanks for the date sissy! I loved it! (She even sent me the cutest text after about how she loved hanging out with me. So blessed to have her in my life)
Anyway, ff you haven't seen it, go. It is so inspiring, and actually REALLY funny!! I will admit. I cried a couple times. It's amazing to me how cruel we as humans can be. History is not always pretty and proud, let me tell you. But I love learning about those people that stood strong and were so brave. The people who put up with so much heartache and sorrow. The people who actually took a stand against the majority and stood for what they believed in, even when it was hard (You go Celia! I hope I can be just as freakin cute and brave as you!) makes me want to do be a better person. In fact, the movie made me SO proud that I was going into journalism. Because it was so awesome that one person, who came up with one brave idea, could change the entire world. It hit hard for me and I REALLY hope I can do something that sensational and amazing. Gosh. So inspiring that this is a true story.
Thank you Miss Aibileen. You are brilliant. You are brave. And you are...just..amazing.
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