Anyway, ff you haven't seen it, go. It is so inspiring, and actually REALLY funny!! I will admit. I cried a couple times. It's amazing to me how cruel we as humans can be. History is not always pretty and proud, let me tell you. But I love learning about those people that stood strong and were so brave. The people who put up with so much heartache and sorrow. The people who actually took a stand against the majority and stood for what they believed in, even when it was hard (You go Celia! I hope I can be just as freakin cute and brave as you!) makes me want to do be a better person. In fact, the movie made me SO proud that I was going into journalism. Because it was so awesome that one person, who came up with one brave idea, could change the entire world. It hit hard for me and I REALLY hope I can do something that sensational and amazing. Gosh. So inspiring that this is a true story.
Thank you Miss Aibileen. You are brilliant. You are brave. And you are...just..amazing.
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