So Blessed

Friday, September 21, 2012

You want to know something that may sound completely crazy? There is someone I love so incredibly much, more than I have ever loved anyone or anything in my whole life...and I have never even seen or met Him.

I can't explain except to say that it is something so powerful that I feel every single day. It comes from inside and I can feel it everywhere. It is so comforting that any time I am feeling upset about myself or feeling like I am all alone or even feeling like everything in my life is going perfect, my Savior is there every single step of the way. I have never once felt deserted or like He wasn't listening. I am so thankful for a testimony of my Redeemer because in today's world, so many different influences try to shake it. But He has stood by me and made me more happy than anything else ever has. I can't imagine how it feels for Him when someone turns their back or does not believe in His power to cange everything. I am so so blessed to know that His hand is always stretched out to me. I am so grateful to have parents that made sure I went to church and went to seminary and prayed and counted my blessings. I have been so blessed to know without a doubt that my Redeemer lives. I see it and feel it every single day of my life and I am so indebted to Him. I can only imagine how much He loves me if I feel this way here in my little moment of existence with my limited brain. He died for me, and yet I know that he is helping me and standing by me all the time. How blessed am I?!

My teacher was talking about the Election of Grace, which is basically the concept that you get to have the gospel in this life because of your righteous faith and works in the previous life. I don't know how I got to be so lucky, but I am so excited to see Jesus Christ in the next life and meet the Holy Ghost and just throw my arms around them and thank them for everything they have done for me. And then get to meet my Heavenly Father and get everything I have ever wanted...the blessing of living with them FOREVER. I am so overwhelmed with love for my Savior. I am so happy with the choices I have made both in the pre-mortal life and in this one. I am so blessed. Read the scriptures. Pray about it. You'll know too.


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