Early Mornings in Edit Bay #23

Friday, November 2, 2012

In my multimedia video journalism class, we were asked to take a picture of our favorite spot on campus. I thought it was going to be a LOT harder. I thought about all the different spots I have grown to love over my four years here. There's a lot. But I guess there is one place that has always been pretty special to me, especially since now I live in the Spori.

This is edit bay #23.

It may seem strange, but this is my most favorite spot on campus. Countless times, I have come to the Spori basement early in the morning and closed the door and turned on only the spotlights to edit footage, work, or do homework, while I listen to my favorite music. In a strange way, I feel like I am the only one in the whole basement (maybe even the whole Spori) and it makes me feel like I can really get things accomplished. I've always loved getting up early and starting on my day and so with the dim light and the super quiet environment around me, I just feel at peace.

It also has to be #23 because it is furthest from where all the action and busyness is. It was the one I finished my very first package in and where I have had really great conversations with a lot of friends I made down there. This edit bay was the one where James first came down to hang out with me when we were just becoming friends. He met my friends, brought me some dinner, and we talked in this room for such a long time. It was also the one that would not open my first semester and it always seemed like it was so mysterious. So when I finally was able to get in, I felt like it was a secret hideout for me to lock myself away and do the things that I love the most. You could say it's my happy place.

That's why edit bay #23 is my favorite place on campus. Even with all those other amazing spots that I have so many memories with (like the couches in the common area of the Ricks or the library computers) I think some of the best days have started right here in this spot. I'm sure going to miss it once I graduate.


Andrea said...

Can you do another post! No ones updating their blogs!!

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