Gosh. I really need a life.
But at least I'm willing to admit I don't have one. Although, my family keeps me pretty entertained. We went to Qiarra's softball game yesterday (the first one I've ever been to) and it was super cool to watch her play!! That girl is building talent after talent (sports, music, good grades..dang it) and it was so cute to look at her compared to all of her teammates. All about 2 feet taller. Rachel and I got a kick out of that-- we acted like embarrassing sisters the whole time. "She's so small and cute!! She's like a mini player!" They ended up losing, but gave it a good shot! They also have team cheers that were cracking me up. These kids are NOT playing around!
(During a huddle) "W X Y and Z, Now I know my ABC's, next time won't you GET TO PLAYING ALREADY!"
Ok, that doesn't really sound that mean, but trust me. Their mouths are foaming when they scream at the other teams. But yeah, Qiarra played like a real champ. She always tries her best at whatever she does and that's one thing I'm learning from her. I was definitely a proud big sister.
The other highlight of my weekend was getting to babysit the cutest, funniest, coolest kids I know. I love playing with my nephews. They are SO SO funny!! And smart! I got to watch them twice and both times, I'm not gonna lie, I was a little sad when they had to go to bed because then it gets a little lonely. They're always trying to teach me how to play their video games and are actually really sweet and brotherly towards each other! I know it's the work of great and loving parents. Carter always helps Mason and they're polite and they will say the funniest things!! Plus they love hugs and kisses which is good, because I love to share them!... I love those guys.
This is where I tried to upload a video of it, but it was taking like 2 hours. So, scratch that.
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