Sweet Things Sunday

Monday, March 12, 2012

It's time for another episode of What I'm Wishing For RIGHT Now!!! Here's your host, Ashley "Desperate" Martiiiiiiiin!! (crowd goes wild...obviously)

You can't tell me this isn't a beautiful piece of work. Oh man, I finally understand the Leather Jacket Craving (by the VERY fashionable Rachel Martin) of 2009. Oh my dear sister. I don't know how you coped with it until Christmas Day. And it doesn't even matter the color! Beige will be just great too!! (See number 8 in these essentials)

And the other is this
so that I could do this
I literally think in Instagram and I don't even have anything to use it on. So what if I see the world in Valencia or Nashville colorings, right? ...No you're right. Just kill me. I have to get my daily dose of this drug on Qiarra's itouch instead. And by daily, I mean Qiarra's let me use it twice. So who knows. Maybe someday I will be able to finally take pictures and post them like crazy on this blog. Instead of googling pictures and copying and pasting.

Please don't judge me for this post. It's late and I haven't had a good night's sleep in forever.

Ps....WEDDING CRUNCH WEEK COMMENCES TODAY!!! Very exciteeeed for these little precious peaches.


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