I haven't posted in a long time. (In blog world, 2 weeks is literally a lifetime) Anyway, some very exciting things have been going on!
But I need to rant for a second. I NEED some form of constant picture taking at all times. My blog is so lifeless because I don't have my
camera (and let's face it, probably won't for a very long time) and I don't have an iPhone, an iPad, an iTouch--
iGotnothin. So until I can get my dreams to come true, I hope you guys like reading and seeing pictures that you've already seen on facebook.
Sunday was my best friend in the WHOLE wide world's birthday!! I know, I'm sure you all saw it on your calendars. I mean, it is pretty much a national holiday...or at least, it should be. Her boyfriend, Grant, and I had been setting this in motion for like a week and we went to great lengths to make sure she had NO idea.
- We went to the store and picked everything up while she was at the store
- He came over after church to hang out with her and had Thais and Jake there
- While that was going on, Andrea & I drove over and met Angie and Grant's roommates who were more than willing to help decorate the place while I made a cake
- Grant had made chili dogs and those were waiting patiently in the oven
- We had told her that we might be able to go to the cabin
- I told her I was going to James' apartment for a minute when I went to Grant's
- Grant took her out to dinner the night before
- I secretly texted all of her friends about it. So did Granty
- And best of all, everyone kept their mouths SHUT!
It was awesome. Phil (Grant's roommate) tried to get it on video, but they came over so fast that we forgot to push record and just had to roll with it. BUT. She was surprised. And so happy. That was the best part. It was such a FUN day and I hope she knows how much she is loved. We all ate food, hung around, chatted it up, and it was just a good day. Eventually, we all retired to homework (which was awful) but Alex woke up to streamers around the apartment and I had taped them ALL across her door so she could break through them when she woke up. Plus, Nathaly and Taylor made her a trail of paper hearts into her room when she came back from her party. Ms. Alex Pinkham is one
amazing best friend people. Let me tell you. She's a
hilarious, sweet, thoughtful, smart, honest, giggly, friendly, nurturing, good listening, stylish angel wrapped into one petite, cute little package. If you ever get to meet her, you should consider yourself one lucky person.
She seemed pleased. :) |
Side note: It was
soooooo sad to see her a little sad that nothing was really going on for her birthday. I just wanted to shout "
We didn't forget!!! I promise you are just going to DIE of birthday happiness today! Just wait like 2 hours!!" but obviously, I couldn't. I just had to think it at her. Broke my little heart strings that she thought we'd just let the day fly by. Ha. She should know us better.
Best friend. Forever and ever. |
I love these hilarious girls. |
He better be looking at those chips. |
High fives for Granty and I for pulling off one amazing surprise party! |
I love you Alexandra Lin Pinkham! You are more than what is expected of a best friend and I can't wait to laugh when we're 53 about how we were freaking out when we turned 23! You are the greatest person I know! I hope you had the most fun and fabulous birthday! I can't wait to be there at the next one!
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