The Poetry of Pranks

Monday, June 25, 2012

I have to say, it is just no joke when people say the little things matter. I have had SO much fun trying to surprise James with the littlest things: leaving little army guys all over his room for memorial day, putting gummy worms in his bed, bringing him a little cupcake when he needs a little break...just things that would make him laugh or even just smile at how ridiculous I am. My most favorite I had to say was putting a whole pad of stars all over in his car about things I just love about him while he was fishing with some friends, and saying it was because he (warning: you are about to be totally cheesed out) "lights up my life." It was pretty fun to see his reaction when he came over afterwards. "You sneaaaky little girl..." and had a big smile on his face and wrapped me up in a big hug. I was way too proud of myself for pulling it off, but that made it all the more fun. He's just as awesome as they come.

Why yes, this bag is already empty.
But don't think I get all the fun. He's a spoiler himself. James does little things too like stops and gets me my ALL TIME FAVORITE groceries when he's shopping at Walmart.

Basically, all I am saying is that it really is so fun to serve someone else and make their day. So even if it's the littlest thing you don't think will matter, trust me. If it makes them give you that adorable, knee-weakening smile, it's definitely worth it.

In Family Foundations today, we talked about "expressions of love" and our teacher asked us if there was one thing that you would do every single day to keep a marriage happy, what would it be? And we said things like "pray together, say I love you, talk to each other in the eye, cook for each other, read scriptures together (I mean, hello. It is a religion class) but I loved that he talked about the little things. Making the bed for the other person when they are in a rush, packing a little lunch for them, giving a good morning kiss right when you wake up. He also showed us this video (and yes, okay. I got all choked up. But I just love the way Elder Scott talks about his wife. He is the ideal spouse and I hope I am the same way for my husband)

Our teacher also told us that Elder Scott was approached on campus recently when he came to speak a little while back by someone who offered him part of their chocolate bar and he said "No thank you, Janine wouldn't approve."Brother Chambers said that even after death, those two are still growing together and that is what a celestial marriage is all about. That's what I want. And that's exactly what I am going to strive for. I may look like a crazy hopeless romantic..and I am..but at least there won't be any doubt in my other half's mind.

 Gosh, I just love love.


BRCanfield said...

Video made me cry too.. don't worry, ash

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