Alright. Day 02 of blogging challenge: A really good memory.
Easy. 19th Birthday. It was the best day ever. Alex (bestest friend in the whole wide universe), Spencer, Ryan, and I first started out the day with breakfast at Spencer's house-which I loooove. They made breakfast for me (including the traditional orange rolls that I get on my birthday every year!) with eggs and bacon and the whole enchilada! (Well, not enchiladas thank goodness) and then we all drove down to Hollywood and listened to all our favorite songs (thanks to the cd Al made), especially Manchester Orchestra since we were going down there for their concert! we walked around the whole day and just ate, hung out, and Ryan and Spencer actually snuck backstage to the concert because they said they were roadies for Manchester and the security people believed them!! So they got to meet Say Anything and hang out back there while Alex and I walked around and went shopping. The concert was amazing too. They played all my favorite songs, Andy was smokin hot, and after, I got a picture of Robert and Freeman from the back!!
We even left a little early (we didn't really care about Say Anything) and were walking back and saw their VAN parked like blocks over!!! So Spencer and Ryan left a note. We're always going to wonder what happened to it. Haha But yeah. Cheesecake Factory, train, music, dancing, lights...It replays in my mind all the time. It was a perfect day. Best friends in a great place. :)
If you don't know Manchester, here is the reason I love them.
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