1- Go to Wikipedia & in top leftish corner, click "Random Article." The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2- Go to Quotationspage.com and in the column on the left side, click "Random quotes." The last four or five words of the very last quote on that page is the title of your first album.
3. - Go to Flickr.com and click on "Explore" then go to the top where the tool bar is and select "Explore from the last 7 days" from the drop down menu. Third picture, no matter WHAT it is, will be your album cover.
4. - Use photoshop or another way (try picnik.com) to put it all together.
5. - Post it with this text as the caption or as a comment and tag the people you want to share it with!
It was really fun, I won't lie. I did a couple more after this. Haha Here's a couple...
My blog is pretty dang boring. SO! I have for your entertainment today, some select videos that will make your soul giggle. All of them include inSANE tricks that I am determined to acquire very very soon...
Our first little number is an AWESOME reader. I'm not just talking she reads with passion or great annunciation or something. No no. Far better...I won't give away the treat, but here you go. Enjoy...and you're welcome.
[I saw this video on my Yahoo homepage today, and it made my day. Gosh, what moxy. I bet I could learn if I tried REALLY hard. I mean, I bet she's great at Mad Gab too...right?!]
The other SUPER amazing video is this one. I am DETERMINED to learn this before the end of the year. DETERMINED, you hear me!? Hey, if I can't dance on a table in the library, I guess my hands will get to have all the fun.
Also, tip for the day: Check things out. Just...FYI.
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