So I am thinking more and more about going on a mission lately. But. I really have no idea. I'm all talk. When it comes to making an ACTUAL decison, I suck.
Uh, serving the Lord for 18 months, duh.
Growing as a person, both spiritually and....well...adultly?
Going somewhere and getting to be a part of someone's HUGE life changing phase
I've heard it's the BEST thing you could do
I could go on, but those are the Big Guys.
Now the Cons:
I would get even more behind in school
Zero money
It keeps getting hinted to me that I should stay by people I trust
Would I be going to escape, for myself, or for the people?
So I really just have no idea now. I'm definitely the type of person that thinks things out over and over and really just obsesses over all the possible outcomes, scenarios, etc. It's a terrible thing, but at the same time, when I finally do make a decision, I stick with it. And no one really can convince me otherwise without some MAJOR evidence and excessive argumentation. Haha It'll just take some more thinking, praying, and talking I suppose. Dang Errand of Angels movie. You knew what you were doing.
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