Happy P Day All!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Presidents' Day!!!

I've had this song in my head all day so naturally, I am giving a shout out to the Presidents!! Whoo whoo!! This song has been in my head all day and helped me to be the only person in my 8th grade class who knew the preamble word for word. What up.

Tonight I got to talk with this wonderful girl, Camille Bowman!!
She is freakin hilarious (hence the picture) And she's bloody brilliant. I swear, it's like everything I think, she knows and she has the best solution to them! We got to talk for like an hour, which is AWESOME (even though I used to get to talk to her MUCH more being her roommate...which I miss) and I am just SO excited for her to go on her mission and own it. She is such an amazing person: she cares for EVERYONE, she helps me to remember what's important, what's not, and not to take myself or my life too seriously. It's really inspiring to be around her and to hear what she has to say. I'd prepare yourselves citizens of Italy-your world is about to be rocked. It was so much fun and so nice to finally get to talk to her and I can't wait until we get to do it again soon.

Also sad news is that Alex went back to the Burg today. When I was at work, I was actually sad knowing that I was aaaall alone again. Like that was what I was looking forward to, but now it's over. Thanks for such an awesome weekend Al. It was so great to have my little babe back where she belongs!..Well, until I go back up to school. Then you have to follow me.

Siiigh. That's okay. I'll see her soon and at least T-Roy is here...for another day. Haha Good grief spring. Hurry on up! I miss my friends!!


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