"Now You're On the Trolley!"

Monday, February 7, 2011

One thing that I have always secretly (well, maybe not secretly) loooved is music from the 20s and 30s. My dad listened to it, my grandma listened to it, and I don't even really remember how the love for it came about. But I love the way everyone had actual talent and really sang with heart and I love the way it sounds and makes me want to just curl up in a blanket and watch an old black and white movie (one of my favorites being Breakfast At Tiffany's) So. I decided not only to make a playlist for myself, but for anyone who feels like I do somedays. Maybe when it rains? Or when it's night and there's a calm? Either way, enjoy. (And yes, I know not all of them are from that era, but they fit on here just the same, right?)

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