Also, I needed a new post because I am sick of looking at that Preamble movie now. So. I might as well talk about something fun. Like Mason's birthday!! Oh my gosh, I am such a jerk. I never blogged about it!! When I asked Mason to take a picture with me, right before it flashed, I said "Show me how old you are now!" And this is how it turned out. Haha And earlier in the day, I was asking him about turning four and how sad I was that he was getting so big, and he says "Ashwee, (I am going to be so so sad when his little accent goes away) four is not big yet. Five is big...Carter's big, but I'm still a little boy. Don't be sad!" Haha
Poor little guy was so sick the whole beginning of the day and ended up sleeping after church all the way until dinner time. But it was nice because Mike, Mason, and I all took a little nap while Erin, Rachel, and Carter all went and checked out his cake. And I wrapped the presents, and we all set up for the party. But it was so sad that he was not feeling well at all.
Anyway, for the actual birthday part, Erin and Mike threw him a cute little mini-party on Sunday (since it was Sunday, they were having cake and ice cream and then Erin took him and his friends to McDonald's for lunch on Tuesday and they went back and played games. So cute) and it was awesome!!!! What adorable parents. :)
Erin's friend, Michelle, made his cake and it was AWESOME!!! It was a Ben 10 Omnitrex and it looked legit. And tasted that way too! Rachel told me she told Michelle she was going to make Rae's wedding cake. I'm stealing her as well. Haha There were party masks, action figures, toys, and it was just plain cute. They just had some of his and their friends come over and they played games and we sang and had cake and ice cream! It was sooo cute and sooo fun to watch my little nephew turn 4. Good grief he's getting big!! And he's such a goofball. :) I hope this year goes by veeeeery slow. And don't even get me started on May when Carter turns 6. Not one person will be excited he's growing up so fast. Kill me now.
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