Scripture Power!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sundays are always my favorite day of the week.

I always go to sleep that night and feel 8,000 times better than when I woke up. It's like it gives you a new reason to commit to being more Christlike for the week, but it's an encouraging challenge, you know? Today I went to the park for a little and just sat by myself and read my scriptures. No music, no distractions. Just quiet time to myself. It's amazing what you can learn when you just listen to the Spirit and enjoy his companionship.
I am amazed every time I open up my scriptures. It's so amazing to me that something written thousands and thousands of years ago can still be directed at me aaall these decades later. And it's also crazy to me that the stories buried in it's pages are real and took place right here on the same earth I live in. I remember when I was in primary and they would teach us about the stories on at a time and I would be amazed and sit there sitting on my hands, leaned into my teacher. I especially remember the stories they would tell about the scary, bad Lamanites and then a few weeks later, it was the scary Nephites! And Jesus calming the storm, healing the gross, sick people, crying every single time I heard the story of his death, and coming back to life after he had died, Haha But I loved it. To me, primary seemed like story time, singing time, and just all around fun time.
Now that I'm grown up, I find myself sitting on my hands, leaned over reading the scriptures but this time, these stories have all new meaning to me and my life. It's amazing all the things I don't know, even after being a member for 21 years. That's amazing! The gospel never changes, yet I learn something new every single day!
I loved sitting there, soaking in the nice weather, no one really out being rowdy and obnoxious. Just me, a blanket, and my scriptures. I definitely love to read them more now than I did in my teenage years, which is when I feel like I really could have used what it has to offer. I've started to read them every single day, probably for about 2 years now, and it's changed everything. It can change my mood, it can change my actions of the day, it can calm me down when I'm feeling anxious or at a low point, it can open my eyes, recommit to habits, or drop old ones. It's just awesome. Just thought I'd share. :)
Ps-If you haven't read this talk, it's awesome (ps Sib-it reminded me of you) And here's a little treat to end this post. It's true that I don't know everything, but I know enough. And I owe much of that to the scriptures. The gospel is true, and it's amazing.


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