In honor of the holiday, I decided to wrap it up with a 21 (big year for my age!) lessons I've learned this year. Most of them are cliche statements, but they say it much better than I could. They aren't in any particular order or anything, just thoughts that have been flowing today...
1. Working on yourself takes work.
2. But! You always need to make time for a little fun.
3. It's much better just to laugh at yourself.
4. Taylor Swift's album, Speak Now, totally clicked for me. Speak now!
5. Your family contains the people blessed to be around always and forever.
6. I actually believe Henry Ford's saying "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right." [I read this on the board in the dance room before a class one day and it stuck with me the entire semester]
7. I take lots of pictures because I know that someday, I'm going to thank myself for it.
8. No one gets excited about failure. We're all in this together and we all get stuck.
9. Repentance is very underrated. I've understood it the most when I've gone through it.
10. The times I've felt the lowest are the times where things have become the clearest.
11. There is no rewind button for your life. (I know, I know. Cheesy, but true right?)
12. I'll never change, but I'll never stay the same either.
13. See people for who they are and what makes them, them. It makes all the difference.
14. You don't need to see someone every single day to know how much they mean to you.
15. "You find the strength of the wind by standing against it, not by laying down."
16. Watch out for the Spirit of Entitlement.
17. I definitely take the harder route sometimes. Don't forget about simplicity!
18. There's a reason we have two ears and one mouth.
19. EVERYONE deserves not just one chance, but a few.
20. Most of the time what you are looking for is right in front of you. (True for me literally & figuratively!)
And to top it all off...
21. Reading your scriptures and praying everyday DOES make aaaall the difference.
I can't believe all that's come my way this year!! I've made new friends, new memories, tried new things. To all the weddings, the trips, the talks, the tears (both from laughing and crying) the all-nighters, the people, and all that was in between...Here's to you!!!